About me

I was born in Graz in 1979 and got trained to become a general practitioner in Austria. In the past years I was allowed to develop and run one of the world leading health centres, the VIVAMAYR Altaussee. In October 2021, my wife and I started our own private business and office for integrative health in Salzburg. A marvellous place in the Austrian alps, between Munich and Vienna, perfect to enjoy nature and culture.

In addition to my work as a private doctor, I represent and develop the “Modern Mayr Medicine” as board-member of the international society of Mayr doctors, I train colleagues in diagnostics and therapy according to Mayr, share holistic medical concepts in lectures and consult international projects.

About fegerl med

We all deserve physical and mental health in our lifetime. In order to achieve this, it is nowadays very often unfortunately necessary to initiate changes of lifestyle. My team and I will guide you there. Support you in your independence and decision-making power on the way to increase well-being and joy.

I do fusion holistic and university medicine in the interest of my client´s health. Aiming to choose the right tool, in the right dosage, at the right time. For them to achieve a state of regulation, in which they no longer just react but can balance and experience personal freedom.

Why taking care of the »gut«

Dr. F.X.Mayr and his students, made us understand the gut as to be the source of health OR root of disease. This estimation of the past is now constantly proven by modern science and current medical discoveries to be correct and relevant.

With the fundamental therapeutic tools of cleaning the body, protection of the personal integrity, substitution of the necessary and individual training to sustain, everyone can start a journey back to health. Pleasurably increasing self-awareness and self-confidence.

Medical in-house services are closed with July 25th 2024!

The office is handed over to Dr. Maximilian Schubert. The location at Mirabellplatz Nr. 6 and the telephone number (+43 662 877626) remain unchainged.

Dr. Sepp B. Fegerl

Ganzheitliche Allgemeinmedizin

FX Mayr Medizin

Die Wahlarztordination ist ab 25.07.2024 geschlossen!